Thursday, April 23, 2015

Magic Corner: Motivating Teenagers Nowadays Pt. 1

Author Notes: This post contains Indlish (Indonesian-English) language, viewer discretion is advised. Selamat menikmati ;-D

Lucu gak sih, kalau kalian itu nyadar apa yang kalian tidak sadari? Like ex: kalian bangun tidur kalian sadar, tapi di satu sisi, it's only a routine yang secara tidak sadar kalian lakukan, funny isn't it? :-) Now, how about we relate this topic into our daily bad habits yang kalian sadari tapi kalian tidak sadar kalau kalian melakukan itu. Bad habits adalah suatu perilaku jelek yang udah melekat pada diri kita, dan sejak kita masih di usia dini. Tau gak kalo hal tersebut bisa merugikan orang lain juga? Nah that's why i'll give you guys some tips to change it and effects that causes by your bad habits.
Gue hidup sebagai manusia yang punya flaws, bad habits salah satunya, gue termasuk orang yang pemalas, so unorganize, dan suka menganggap enteng semuanya yang pada akhirnya merugikan orang lain dan pastinya diri gue sendiri. Gue sadar, itu jelek, gue tau itu tidak bagus, benar benar tidak bagus, dan sungguh memalukan. Untuk anak perempuan seumuran gue, punya bad habits seperti itu merupakan hal kekanak-kanakan, Ibu gue selalu bilang "Kamu udah SMA, grow up! Belajarlah dewasa kak, apa kabar nanti anak dan suamimu? Gimana kamu mau mengurus mereka if you still treat yourself like a shit?" Memang ungkapan yang sedikit kasar tapi itu benar, sama aja kalau ada yang ngomong "gimana mau sukses, kalau sekarang aja kamu menganggap belajar itu cuma sekedar rutinitas?". That's why, untuk merubah bad habits tersebut coba kalian pikir apa bad habits kalian, malas contohya? Then this is how you fix it. Pertama, coba tambah kegiatan di luar sekolah, paling tidak kegiatan sosialisasi antar teman sekolah/rumah (re: kegiatan positif seperti belajar bersama atau gathering acara favorit/band favorit) masih males? Yap, pasti kalian males tapi, coba pikir, kalau kalian gak bergerak? Kapan mau berubah? Mau tetep bersimpuh sambil menengadahkan tangan dan berdoa supaya Tuhan memberi kalian rezeki terus? Supaya kalian berubah? No offense but, GAK ADA GUNANYA BRO. Tuhan melihat hambanya bukan cuma karena mereka menyembahNya aja tapi seberapa keras mereka berusaha menggapainya. Makanya, kalian coba dari hal kecil tersebut. Terus, fokuskan ke hobi atau kesenangan kalian. Kalian suka nonton tv? Silahkan, tapi make sure dengan nonton tv itu kalian bisa ambil manfaatnya, kalian hobi main game? Why not? Dengan jago main game kalian bisa ikut serta dalam lomba game game dan itu membuat kalian melakukan sesuatu selain bermalas-malasan, kalian hobi gambar? Make it artworthy, gak usah takut gambar kalian jelek karena dalam filosofi hidup gue, "seni itu punya nilainya masing-masing dan yang cuma bisa nilai itu si pembuatnya sendiri", nah dari hobi kalian menggambar ini, kalian bisa menjualnya dan ALAKAZAM! You just get the hell out from your bad habit. Itu salah satu tips yang gue berikan ke kalian untuk salah satu bad habits kalian, inti dari ulasan hari ini ---> do something productive, buat setiap detik kalian menjadi hal yang berharga (re: you're selling every secs lol) dan jangan segan untuk mencoba hal yang belum pernah kalian cobain, karena kalian tidak pernah tau ada apa dibalik tirai nomer 1, 2, dan 3. Gue akan melanjutkan post gue di hari selanjutnya maaf sebelumnya untuk post yang sekiranya menurut kalian terlalu panjang, bosenin, dan basic. See ya on the next post and have a great Friday night guys :-D

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


For such a long hiatus i finally come back!!! I hope i can post a lot more since i'll get so much extra times after new year. AND YEA GUYS HAPPY BLOODY NEW YEAR! I know it's toooooooo late (even i passed the valentine's day OTL) but may happiness be on your side always and always :>
By the way, if you want to keep in touch with me you can  follow my Twitter below
And that's my post for today, gonna catch up with you again guys later! Thanks and Goodbye!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Yuya Matsushita - Naked Night PV

Yuya Matsushita, Our lovely young hot and sexy 'Sebastian'. Oh i wish that i could be his 'bocchan' so that i can stay with him all day long (kyaaa ;/////;).
I was new with 'Kuroshitsuji Musical' or 'Kuromyu' because me too was into anime recently on this past 2013. After i watch couples of animes i discovered 'Kuroshitsuji' or 'Black Butler' and then when i was on youtube to search more of Kuroshitsuji, videos of the first Kuromyu popped up. I thought that the musical wouldn't be as good as the anime so i didn't click it at first, but since my curiosity pushed me to watch it, i finally did it. And without any regret for clicking it i ended the first Kuromyu. Oh my God, i admit it the musical is really kakkoi (read: cool) and it turned out to be more exciting :3 and so on i watch the second and the third.
And with Kuromyu, i found out about Yuya Matsushita. He's an awesome guy. He sings and dances really well (like seriously he was a street dancer back then) more than that he has a beautiful face and i love his weird faces (you'll find out if you search Yuya on tumblr kkk) and of course, his bloody sexiness.

This video was his PV for naked night. I read the lyric and... FUCK YUYA. I think the lyric is about having a 'night' with a girl and i'm fucking sure that 'it is' about having a 'night' with a girl. Because if you read carefully you'll find,

"Come on, let's start; take off your clothes now"
"(You & I, lying on top of each other - you know what's next; you know how we do)"
"I'll take you with me on this special night Your body up & down As we softly feel each other"
"Let me see your everything Tonight"

Okay. I'm sorry for doing this guys. I will stop. 
And oh yeah, you shouldn't collapse now, you have to watch the video first and then you can collapse. You can even die from asthma (read: because Yuya steal your breath OwO).
Enjoy Guys!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Haik haik! konichiwa~~~ hajimemashite watashiwa Rania deshooouu. I just moved from tumblr to here to learn how to use Blogger (ano.. what do you mean?). Haha just kidding, yeah i have a tumblr and  you can visit it here ----------------------> I'm doing this for looking something new while learning how to use blogger, i never really use it before.
For introduction i will warning you that this blog will not completely
Using English, but with
And P/S i'm not a Japanese nor English XD

And here i will share about my hobbies which are:



You must have known what kpop is. Korean Pop or Korean musics that usually have 'pop' genres.
And animes, Japan's-creativity-on-art. In animes everything can happen from normal couples, yaoi/BL, yuri/GL, brother-sister love, talking animals, etc. But don't worry i won't share any hentai or porn or nc pictures because me myself doesn't like those kind of things.

So yes, this is my introduction i hope my second blog will be popular (mun-san...) and
Don't hate me for liking kpop and animes
And please see me as a normal person, not a weirdo ;A;

And don't forget to give me comments (+)s or (-)s are accepted :)